søndag den 27. februar 2022

Á Íslandi 21

The prompts, we were given, are:





For this part, that fits in between Á Íslandi 20 and Á Íslandi 22, I used Excitement.

Marit returned after a short while and said: "Come in, Sandra is pleased that you have come."
Susan, Knud and Marit entered the room. Sandra sat up in bed, propped up against a mountain of pillows. She smiled at them and stretched out her hands.
"Oh," Susan said. "It is so good to see you sitting up again. You look much better!"
"I feel much better," Sandra said, her voice firm, but still not loud. "That antidote really worked wonders. Some day soon you'll have to tell me the story of how on Earth you ever came to possess a gargoyle's tears. But today you had something to ask."
"Yes," Knud said. "And I'm happy to see you better too. But Martine said you knew about Aamu, the last of the wandsingers."
"You're sure she's still alive?" Susan asked.
"Yes she's still alive, I'm certain" Sandra said, "that if of course if she has not died in the last couple of months. She went to Germany and met a man and fell in love, or maybe she met a man, fell in love and then went to Germany. But any-old-how, she now lives in Shiltach ..."
"Shiltach? That's Ella's town!" Susan interrupted.
"Later!" Susan said, "she's part of the gargoyle-story, but I know the town - we even have a portal there."
"Wonderful," Sandra said. "She married Uwe Weber, and at the same time she changed her first name to Klara, seems she got tired of people not being able to pronounce her name."
"And now it's time you get out, this was enough excitement for one day," Marit said. "Sandra needs lots of rest."
"I'm tired of resting," Sandra protested, but even Knud could hear how shaky her voice had become.
"We'll return, I promise," Susan said. I have many tales to tell and much to ask. Get stronger. Then we return!"
They both shook Sandra's hand gently and left.

 ... to be continued

2 kommentarer:

  1. It's so difficult, whether you are the one who is ill or the friend, to limit those visits. There's always more to tell!

  2. I'm glad Sandra was able to tell about Aamu now being Klara and married, maybe now Susan can find her.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.