onsdag den 25. marts 2020

TUSAL - 24 March

Yesterday was the new moon day. I took a photo of my ORTs jar, but forgot to post it. Here it is. If you wonder what this is all about, you can go to Daffycat's blog for an explanation.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I am endlessly fascinated by your ORT jar. I suspect yours gets added to a lot more often than a similar jar here would.
    And how I love the idea of finding beauty in small things.

    1. Thank you. I do lots of repair as well as crazy, creative projects, and all ORTs end up in the jar.

  2. Those jars are all completely unique, aren`t they.

    1. Yes and no. I have two different jars that I use. The contents I always ude inside temari or as stuffing, so the jar from the previous year is slowly emptied to ber ready next year.

  3. You don't waste much material when you sew! That is like me, I keep any scrap bigger than two inches by two inches. You never know when you might need them. It does make for a lot of scraps, though.

    1. Yes, I keep the scraps as ell. I sometimes sew up small-scale models of projects before making them fo somebody. And small, otherise unusable scraps are fine there.


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