mandag den 30. marts 2020

Poetry Monday :: Writing

My old partner in crime
  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
   This week Jenny has given us Writing

   Normally Mimi is also participating. 

I started to write some time before school,
Writing poems of sons and stories of cats.
A decrepit typewriter, as ancient as time
Was my friend and my partner in crime.

I once had as homework a story to write
Of ghosts and of scaries today
I wrote of a troll and a church and a hill
Oh, the tale ... I remember it still.

As an end to the story I wrote - as was true
If I didn't have no books at all
I would write me some books, at a terrible speed.
Just for to have something to read.

Next week, Diane had said, we'll talk of Things that Scare Us now

8 kommentarer:

  1. I am grateful that I do have books to read - because I don't have the talent to create them.
    Writers are my heroes - and you are one of them.

    1. Thank you. There's a gap of around 40 years between that sentence and me doing it.

  2. Ah, i am so glad you became a writer!

    1. Thank you, I'm only a fledgling writer, but I sure hope to publish my Susan-book.

    2. I hope you do too. I hope it a lot.

  3. I'm happy you write because I love to read!

    We had an old typewriter like that when I was growing up - how I loved it! But it would probably feel strange and difficult to use now, after having experienced the ease of keyboards.

    1. I wish I still had it. It was a good friens. But yes, a computer is more user friendly :)

  4. Brilliant!
    And I hope you keep writing so I'LL have something to read!


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