mandag den 9. marts 2020

Poetry Monday :: Sports

  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
   This week Diane is once again teasing our brains with Sports!

  Normally Mimi is also participating. 
  I am really not the sporty type. I like biking through my peaceful forest, but not in a race, balls make me want to hide, and running, well ... to catch a bus is all. 
An elfje was what I could manage. 

Strange things
Leave me flushed
and out of breath.

Next Monday we have to rhyme with: Money.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Well done. We are very similar in our feelings about sports; just wait until you read my poem and you'll know what I mean. It publishes at midnight our time - that's a little over two hours from the time of this comment.

    Next week's topic is MONEY.

    1. So right. We're even more alike. Biking, swimming and doing scissor-kick high jumpers in school were my three proficiencies as well. And balls, just No thanks. Sneaky things as you say. We had a giant cupboard like thing in the gym hall in school. It housed skipping ropes, differntly coloured sashes, throwing sacks, and sometimes me when something with balls was going on.

  2. Snap.
    I am not a fan of sport - particularly competitive sport. Swimming I enjoy. Racing I do not.
    So I really like your poem.

    1. Yes right. The competitive element - at least competing with others, I don't mind trying to outdo myself - is what ruins sports for me as well.

  3. Perfect! I used to be a participant. When I had knees and assorted other joints.
    Now I'm in the stands cheering on my grandkids!

  4. Excellent! Sports are not my long suit, either.


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