torsdag den 5. marts 2020

... men vi blomstrer alligevel!

Defiantly flowering!

Det ser ud til at der skal komme en "... men vi blomstrer alligevel"-post på Uglemors blog hvert forår. I år er der en af vore med-landsbyboere, der er blevet træt af vand i kælderen og derfor er i gang med et større udgravningsprojekt. Jordbunkerne hober sig op, og i dag kom Uglemor og Ugleungerne til at kigge nærmere på dem.

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On our way to the bus stop this morning we came past a house where the inhabitants finally had had enough of water filled cellars. They have started digging, and a big mound of earth has lain outside for weeks. Today we looked closer and saw ...

 Defiantly flowering!

6 kommentarer:

  1. Seeds/bulbs + warmth + light = new growth! Nature will have her way :)

  2. I am always awed (and thankful) at just how strong Nature can be. When my parents home was sold the new owners cut down the 50 year old wisteria and concreted over the area in which it had grown. Driving past nearly a year later I will admit to smiling when I saw new wisteria growth breaking up the concrete, snaking across it and reaching for the sky.

    1. Yes, those defiant flowers and plants are worth celebrating. And how could they? I love wisteria, obviously, they are blue.

  3. How lovely that these flowers find life no matter where they are. I am so inspired when I see something like this :)


  4. Something will grow, if there's any chance of it at all.


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