mandag den 16. marts 2020

Poetry Monday :: Money

  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
   This week Jenny is giving us Money!

  Normally Mimi is also participating. 
  Am I the only one hearing ABBA singing "Money, money, money Must be funny ..." inside my head?

All the good rhymes on money
was taken by ABBA and Sonny
First they rhymed with "funny"
And then they used "sunny".
And Elvis grabbed "honey".

All they left me is "runny"
And runny's not funny,
Unless it's runny honey.

Next week we'll tackle Pets, we've known and loved!
Given to us by Diane.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Smiling broadly.
    The way money slips through my fingers it is definitely runny. Which isn't funny.

  2. Hahahaha! Brilliant! Not sure, though, if anything runny can be funny...

  3. Well done, MotherOwl - and now I have "Money, money, money" trapped in my brain. I had to look it up on YouTube but THEN it all came back!

  4. Thank you, I wrote this last Monday before the Corona went rampant. I still think we need some lightheartedness.

  5. Elephant's child is so right, when money is runny it is just not funny. Thanks for the smiles today!


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