lørdag den 7. marts 2020

En radise - One Radish

     I dag lugede Uglemor i domen, og ud over en masse ukrudt kom hun til at luge en stor radise op. Den skulle måske være blevet stående og give blomster til radisesalte, skulper til at spise og måske også et par radisefrø, men den blev altså luget op. Nu får vi se, om den kan spises.

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To day MotherOwl weede the dome in the wonderful sunshine. She pulled up lots and lots of weed and one giant radish. It was an accident, it should have been left standing, giving lots of flowers for herbal salts, siliques (radish seed pods 😉 ) for eating and seeds to plant later. Now we'll have to see if it is edible.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Weeding can be remarkably therapeutic can't it? That is indeed a big radish and I hope it WAS delectable and didn't die in vain.

  2. Like EC, I hope your radish provided you something immediate and good. And if not, it can contribute to compost, poor thing :)

  3. My children used to be thrilled with radishes, which were the favorite food of the "Fraggles" on the TV. The first time they tasted a radish, they were surprised at how spicy it was.

    Hope it was delicious!


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