mandag den 20. maj 2019

Poetry Monday :: My favourite food

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is My Favourite Food (courtesy of Jenny).

Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey has set the topic this Monday. Last Monday she told us how she's got to evict a poem or song before she's able to produce something of her own. And here I thought that I was alone in having to sing songs to the end or look up a half forgotten poem or search for an old book before being able to go on. 
It seems we're not all that unique after all. 😊😌

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This Monday's topic, my favourite food of course made a song run through my brain the second I read it. I'm sure you all know My Favourite Things from The Sound of Music.
This song, and indeed the whole musical, is one of my favourite things. Maria even tells us of her favourite foods in this song:
"...  Cream colored ponies and crisp Apfelstrudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things."
I am not a big fan of Schnitzel with noodle or indeed Apfelstrudel, I always have a hard time when asked for my favourite food because:

My favourite food
Depends on my mood.
It's different each day.

My favourite food
Is whatever is brewed
In our kitchen today. 

And don't think just because the verse is short, that it was quick to write. I think I used more time on this one (well sheer copying time maybe subtracted) than on the very long Awakening.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I am with you on being fickle about my favourite foods. That said, a fresh mango is always high on the list.
    I now have an earworm, and wonder how long it will last.

    1. Mango, yummy and exotic treats for me. Yes they do indeed taste good. And once in my youth, as I was travelling wide and far, I tasted them fresh from a treee growing at the banks of the Nile. It does not get much better.
      Sorry about the earworm. Chewing gum should help :)

  2. Your poem expresses just about exactly what I thought when I tried to pick a favourite food - when I'm hungry and smelling the dinner cooking, that's what I seem to like the best! (As the saying goes, hunger is the best sauce.) I couldn't express it myself so resorted to something different! I also know just what you mean by a short poem not being quick to write. There is a lot of thought behind few words much of the time. Well done.

    1. Thank you for understanding. The same saying exists in Danish, only we say spice instead og sauce ;)

  3. Very well done! Yes, variety is the spice of life, and though i have a favorite, it's not what i would want to subsist on for every meal forever.

    1. Exactly. I've never been able to understand those "If you could only have one XXX for the rest of your life"-questions. I'm afraid I'd would go slowly mad from only one book/food/drink/... you name it for just a year. Variety is tthe spice of life! Well said.


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