mandag den 13. maj 2019

Poetry Monday :: Hope

 Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Hope. (courtesy of Delores).

I have not written a serious take on Hope, as maybe I should have considering looming ecological disasters, upcoming elections with known racists trying to get elected and so on, and so on. But it is not going to happen. This time I wanted to try an idea, rattling around in my old brain. Namely find all the words rhyming with the given word and make a rambling nonsensical verse in the style of the Danish Halfdan Rasmussen and the American Dr. Seuss. It was what Jenny-o did last Monday, and with much more luck than my feeble lines.

Full of  hope
you can cope
And say nope
to the dope
It's a slippery slope!

In the bathroom we grope
for the last bit of soap
at the end of the rope.
And when lovers elope
and the grey antelope
sends a red envelope
to the monkeys that mope.
It's beyond even the scope
of a friendly old pope.
To bring reason and hope
to this wacky old trope
of an old misanthrope.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Not easy to come up with all those rhymes for 'hope' but you did 'cope' and came out very well indeed. No need to mope lol.

  2. I love it! We need fun poems about hope as well as serious ones, after all :)

    I had a problem with the topic this week in that I couldn't think of a light-hearted take on it at all. You have shown it can be done!

    1. Thank you. Fun poems about serious topic are sometimes needed indeed. At least I need a bit fun in all the serious.

  3. That was fun! For some reason, the feed for this did not appear in my reader yesterday, so i am a bit late, but no less amused for all that.

    1. The reason for the non-appearance is most probably my fumbling around with browsers and so on still. I am slowly getting things to do my biddings, but some are still beyond my reach (oh, where is my magic wand ...) Your comments are always appreciated.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.