Vi har også fået kartet en hel del mere hvid uld og fundet en kasse sort uld frem, det skal så lige kartes også.
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Minimax and I got some Oakmoss in a jar. The water changed to green the moment we poured in the ammonia. Now let's see what happens. We also got some more white wool through the drum carder. Now some black wool is waiting.
... og nu til noget helt andet
I "fritiden" spiller jeg af og til World of Warcraft. Der har jeg taget en udfordring op, kaldet Ironman Challenge. Stig til level 85 (måske 90) uden at dø, uden hjælp fra andre, uden andet end det dårligste tøj, uden buffs eller potions Link til regler. Det er svært. Adskillige af mine characters er døde før de nåede level 10, de fleste mellem 10 og 20, og min rekord er 53.
Min nulevende rekordindehaver er lige steget til level 40. Jeg startede med ham den 20. april sidste år, så det går langsomt.
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An now off to another world ...
Sometimes I play a bit of World of Warcraft in my "spare time". I have taken up the Ironman Challenge. Level to 85 (maybe even 90) without dying, without help, without buffs or potions, without better gear than grey or white. It is a hard challenge. So far only one - worldwide - has made it to level 90, several is at 85 or beyond. My personal best is 53.
My current challenger made it to level 40 yesterday. I rolled him April 20th 2013. I'm not quick ;)
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SvarSletYou play computer games! My children won't let me play. I spent a whole evening playing once. (I wouldn't let anyone else have a turn!) And then I couldn't get to sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about the game. Everyone agreed that computer games aren't good for mothers, and that was the last time I was allowed to play!
Ouch, I understand your family - no more playing for you ;) We have a play time limit of 1½ hours per person on off days else less or nothing, as we have only one computer able to access the Internet with ease. I'm not good at stopping either, I always have to finish this or that ... But I limit my game time by only playing during the day, where I got other jobs to do. Sometimes hubby or a son plays all evening, participating in a raid, but I do this very seldom.