søndag den 18. august 2024

Sunday Selections :: World Photograpy Week :: Hot Air

Beklager, ikke alt er overssat til dansk i dag. World Photography Week synes at være et SoMe-fænomen, fuldt af varm luft, løfter og "Likes", men uden det helt store konkrete indhold - en tendens, jeg synes breder sig i den slags internet-udfordringer.

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Yesterday iHanna asked about the theme for World Photography Week. I did not remember what it was, so I went looking. I am still none the wiser, only now filled with hot air and SoMe.

Please read this and tell me what you think:

World Photography Week 2024 Theme

During World Photography Week 2024, from August 12th - 26th, share a number of photos on the social medium of your choice that you've taken that have meaning to you, along with the story behind them, using the hashtag: #WorldPhotographyWeek.

If you're a photographer, we highly recommend showcasing new photography and prints using the tag #WorldPhotographyWeek - we want to create a global community event to help highlight photographers, and their incredible work.

Then, search for posts using the tag #WorldPhotographyWeek from August 12th to 26th on the social medium of your choice, and "Like", comment and share the photos that resonate with you the most. If you discover a photographer whose work you appreciate, be sure to give them a follow on social media, as well!  (from HERE)

Am I the only one finding that internet challenges like this one have turned into generators of 'community' which seems to be synonymous with hot air and "Likes" on social media?

I see no theme mentioned here - despite the headline promising one.

Well, despite my intense dislike for this particular kind of baloney I am going to post photos today and tomorrow as well.

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Og nu til billederne.   And now the photos.

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    Dagen startede med at vi var i kirke, hvor vi fejrede Jomfru Maria optagelse i Himlen - egentlig var det i torsdags, men de helligdage, der ikke også er protestantiske, er oftest henlagt til søndag. Jeg tvivler på at vore klassekammerater, kolleger osv. ville se med milde øjne på at vi med jævne mellemrum blev væk for at gå i kirke, så smart nok.
    Efter kaffe og kager var jeg igen i dag i haven. Jeg arbejdede lidt på mit træ-projekt, så slog jeg græs og rev det afklippede græs sammen, Skribenten, der normalt slår græs, var ved at støvuge gæsteværelset, hvor der var lidt for meget støv til mine sarte luftveje. At slå græs og rive det sammen, lyder måske ikke så hårdt, men vi har en plæneklipper med rugbrødsmotor og græsset var langt.
     Bag plæneklipperen ses én af fire bunker græs. En lille smule af det er mine høvlspåner og lidt snittespåner fra en søns projekt, men langt, langt det meste er græs. Det var ikke engang den største af stakkene.

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The day started out with mass. We celebrated the assumption of Our Lady -- yes it was Thursday, but in Denmark all holidays, that are not celebrated in the protestant church (which is the majority denomination in Denmark) are celebrated to the nearest Sunday. Rather smart, as I doubt that classmates and colleagues would accept our absence to go to mass several times a year.

After coffee and cakes -- our Sunday treat -- I worked a bit on my woodworking project, I then realized that the grass was in sore need of a mowing, so I set to it - hubby, who normally mows,  was busy vacuuming our guest room, and it contained a bit much dust for my comfort ... I'm not allergic, but certainly sensitive to dust, and I'll take mowing over dust any day.

I mowed all the grass and then raked the grass together. It was hard work - no, our garden is not extraordinarily large, but we use a hand mower and the grass was long!

In the photo you can see it and one of four stacks of grass. A tiny bit of this stack is shavings from my wielding a plane as part of the woodworking, and chips from a son's wood carvings, but mostly it's grass -- and this is not even the biggest of the four stacks.
Efter aftensmaden gav jeg først Maria nogle nye blomster, så slog jeg kanterne af haven med en segl - jeps sådan en Miraculix-én. Den er genial, man løfter buskenes grene op med den ene hånd og slår under dem med seglen. Så smart. Så var jeg klar til et bad og aftenkaffen.

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After dinner I gave  fresh flowers to Our Lady, then I cut the borders of the lawn with a sickle -- yup just like the one Getafix the druid is using --- it is so smart. Raise up the branches with one hand and cut the weeds with the sickle! Easy-peasy. Then I was done and ready for a bath and a cup of coffee.

Igen i dag er ingen af billedene behandlet på nogen anden måde end beskæring.

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And again today none of the photos are edited in other ways than cropping.

6 kommentarer:

  1. It sounds like a most busy and productive day.

  2. V busy - and productive. I hope you were/are pleased with yourself. I avoid things that require 'likes'.

    1. I am happy! not least because I can now do all this again.
      I do not play the "likes" game. If I like a challenge, I join on my blog, and that's it.

  3. I remember using a hand mower years ago and it did a freat job, but these days you can't buy them like that, it's all plastic now and they fall apart. Thankfully I don't need one now as the maintenance people come around and cut the grasses here.

    1. We're lucky to live next to Sweden, where quality handmowers are still made. We had several of those "plastic and strings" contraptions before, but this is a place where buying cheap turns out to be expensive.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.