torsdag den 15. august 2024

Day 4 ~ World Photography Week ~ Dag 4

I dag har jeg en lille film ud over dagens billeder - bare fordi jeg kan.

Today I have some photos and a short video - just because I can.

Billederne først ~ First the photos
Min kvan er blevet stor. Nu ligner den ikke længere en skvalderkål.
My angelica has grown. No mistaking it for a ground elder any more.

Min yndlingsblomst, blå kornblomst ~ My favourite flower, blue cornflower

Jeg ved ikke, hvad denne her hedder, men den en overlever, og så er den pæn.
I do not know the name of this one, it's a survivor - and pretty.

Hængeugle, nu med ekstra mos ~ Hanging owl with even more moss growing on it.

And one apple, all what grows on the tree this year.
Et enkelt æble er alt hvad der gror på træet i år.

Min hård prøvede laurbær. Omgivet af ukrudt, som jeg lader gro. Det er nemlig noget sjovt ukrudt som man kan se på videoen her - hvis den virker. Mine fingre er stadig misfarvede fra plantefarvningen.

My poor laurel, here surrounded by some weeds I'm loath to remove. They are fun, as the video will show - if it works. My fingers are still stained from dyeing with walnuts and cochineal.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I like your flowers and the owl. The weed is fun, I'd want to keep it, also.

    1. Thank you. That weed is indeed a un one, and furthermore it's quite easy to remove, but it spreads! as can be seen from the video.

  2. The video played. I thought you were collecting seeds until I realised you were popping them off. Sad that you only got one apple this year. I love the hanging owl.

    1. No need to collect seeds from this one, although that's what I did to have it in my garden at all. Yes sad about the apples, as those are the very best apples, of course.
      Hanging owl says thank you.

  3. Your unknown blossom (third photo) - could it be a type of dianthus? The leaves and blossom look similar to ones I have seen.

    1. You're right. Thank you. Today, as I went shopping I remembered what you wrote, looked at the flower shelves for dianthus - and they looked totally the same. mystery solved.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.