mandag den 12. august 2024

Poetry Monday :: Cabinet & World Photograpy Week

For once I was not sure of the meaning of today's word: Cabinet, The dictionary tells me that it is either
a cupboard with shelves or drawers for storing or displaying articles or the committee of senior ministers responsible for controlling government policy.  I go with the first meaning, as politics is so not me.

Here in my cupboard are things on display
Driftwood and gemstones and eggs on a tray
Sea glass and marbles and crabs' claws and stones
Dice of all kinds, stamps, and feathers and bones.

Buttons and postcards and cups with a chip
Bracelets, mementoes and a tiny ship.
Candy bags even, and coins and a ring
A gold tessera from a graveyard in

All is not costly and nothing for sale,
Many are worn and they all tell a tale,
Memories of places and people I've met
And from a tourney a winners' rosette.

Much of my life is encased in this show
but the best part is not mentioned above.
It's something that fits me as well as a glove:
My family that always surround me with love.

 - - - - -

Next Monday we rhyme about:

                               -- 🖼 --

Today is the first day in World Photography Week leading up to World Photography Day Monday 19th. I'll try and post a photo each day. As usual I'm not into SoMe and hashtags and "spreading the word" so I just make my own quiet Photography Week and Day here on my blog.

Today we celebrated one of our birthday season birthdays. One of the gifts was this d20-candle. I love it.
Only cropped, not edited:

8 kommentarer:

  1. Both your poem and that candle are lovely.

  2. I love your poem and would equally love to see that cabinet's contents in person.

    1. Thanks, It would take days to see the contents, and not least hear the tales ;)

  3. I like the candle and I love your poem.

  4. Your poem is perfect! The candle is a beautiful gift.

    1. Thanks, I am happy as was both giver and recipient of the die/candle.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.