onsdag den 7. oktober 2020

End of Legacy Blogger for me.

 Now I'm experiencing what Roberta R. told us happened to her in my post Experimenting with Blogger,  the old interface briefly flickers, and then I'm back to New Blogger. So I suppose this is 'it'. Let's see how long I can keep up blogging with this terrible mess of an interface.
  Alone the thing about pressing Shift and Enter to get single spacing pisses me off:
   I am happy that I edited and pre-posted next Mondays Poetry post, that will at least happen, then.
  Words for Wednesday may or may not happen. This bugger takes away from my fun with blogging.

  Take care out there Charlotte (MotherOwl)

8 kommentarer:

  1. Oh no, I haven't tried posting anything new today. I mentioned your fix to Daughter who said "they'll catch up with you." They are making it more mobile friendly I suppose. Us oldies on our PCs and laptops are thrown to the webwolves.


  2. Yes, Daughter's right of course - and we knew it. Because the technology behind Legacy Blogger was outdated. I just hoped for a longer time of grace.
    Webwolves ... what a wonderful word, don't ever say you can not write poetry when you can make a word like that!

  3. My biggest frustration is not being able to access past posts. Without endlessly scrolling, that is. The legacy version was much more accessible. Sigh.

  4. Have you tried writing your post on a notepad or some such, then copying and pasting it to your blog? That's how i've always done it, it works very well for me. Of course, there are other problems, but composing is easier that way.

    1. That's how I always work. Writing in MS Word, then copy / pasting, spellchecking etc. in Blogger. But I often find something to add, photo capions to be written and so on. Other problems - so true.

  5. Indeed it is closed off the return to legacy blog. Far as I know the only thing is to keep telling them at the google support group that one is not happy.


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