mandag den 25. november 2019

Poetry Monday :: Windows

 Today is Monday, and Monday means Poetry. Today's theme is Windows from Diane.
 Also participating are: Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey, Mimi, and Merry Mae.

Windows are to look through,
Both in and out
It's not nice to look in, but I think we all do. 
Oh, there's no doubt.

To look out when the sun is shining,
Or rain pours down.
This sure is a window's silver lining
 Unless we drown.

I hate to clean my windows
But must admit
That a new cleaned, shiny window
is no mean feat.

I love to open windows
for summers winds
When snow arrives, my windows
Hides behing blinds
We also open windows
Of mind and heart
And what seeps through those windows
Makes us smart.

I love my open windows
In house and heart.
 For with those open windows
Kindnes start.

May the sun shine through your windows in the coming week
Next Monday, Jenny decidedthe theme: humming - we've got to speak!

6 kommentarer:

  1. Love your poem - which resonates on many levels. Window cleaning (internally or externally) is a difficult job - but oh the improvement is huge.
    And hooray for kindness.

  2. I look out my window. I call my husband to come see what I am looking at. His view is just a wee bit different. A different angle.
    And we all look at a situations in a different way. From a different mind ... through a different window.
    I think we must keep our minds open to be sure we understand other people. Keep our minds/windows washed and clean to see different sides of a story.

    LOL the word Windows certainly can bring a new perspective when we read our blogging friends poems. :)

  3. That was a great analogy between house windows and windows of the heart - I don't care so much about clean house windows but I try to keep the heart windows clear and transparent. I have more mental energy than physical energy :)

  4. All sorts of windows. Some sparkly clean, some in need of work. Both in the house. And in the soul! Beautiful, M.O.!

  5. Thank you all for these kind words. We all walk through the world seing other people through their windows. Let's try to keep our own windows clean and true.

  6. Well said, it is not easy to clean windows of any kind, glass or metaphorical.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.