mandag den 11. november 2019

Poetry Monday :: Glasses

 A small break in my tale of Susan in Paris. 
 You'll have to dangle for a day, because today is Monday, and Monday means Poetry. 
 Today's theme is Glasses directly from Diane.   
 Also raking their brains writing poetry are: Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey, Mimi, and Merry Mae.

I wear a pair of eyeglasses, have done for many years.
It was a thing I did not like, it brought me many tears
For I was young and did not think those glasses were for me,
But then again the world is big, and I would like to see.
So I wear my glasses ev'ry day, it's the first thing I put on
and it's the last thing I take off whene'er my day is done.

But sunglasses are not for me, I like to see my town 
in red and yellow, blue and green and not in shades of brown.

An hourglass on the other hand is handy when I cook.
It tells me by the minute just how long it took,
Until my cake is brown and done, and when my meat is roast.
And finally, I'll raise my glass and then propose a toast
For glasses and for poetry, and for our gentle host. 

And a kangaroo photo for whomever need it. Just because I kan-garoo!

Kangaroos by SeanMack

 And next Monday's theme is Neighbours directly from Jenny.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Oh, this is adorable! Yep. Glasses on first, off last. My DIL asked her sunglass-wearing mother what colour the sun was in her world. I guess (due to said sunglasses) she had mis-named the colour of some flowers outside the car window.
    And I LOVE the kangaroo picture!

    1. Thank you.
      And this is the exact reason I don't wear sunglasses ;)
      Kangaroos are kool ;)

  2. You've come up with some glasses I wouldn't have thought of, MotherOwl! Well done on your poem. I toast you back: To glasses and poetry!

  3. What a fun poem! Many children resent glasses because others make fun. That's something i never understood, why some children were so mean.


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