mandag den 4. november 2019

Poetry Monday :: Busy Days

 This Monday's theme is: Busy Days from Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey
 Also participating in this fun is Mimi,
Merry Mae and last, but not least Diane - let's hope her technical difficulties are solved by now. 

  Well the theme is set.  Ready, start, rhyme!

An old person's goodbye. 

The busy days are left and gone,
All busy things are said and done,
I sit at home and wait for death.
I am now old and out of breath.

The busy days were sweet and many,
I savoured them, spent every penny
on cakes and sweets and travels too.
No reason to be sad and blue.
When soon I leave this earthly hull.
My life was never stale and dull.
The busy days were sweet and long.
No use for tears when I am gone.

I know, it's blue and sad, but there's something about Autumn and dark mornings (thanks for nothing DST) that makes me melancholy and black inside. Hopefully snow and Winter will come and paint everything in brighter colours once again.  
Next Monday's theme: Glasses from Diane. 

6 kommentarer:

  1. I don't think this is a sad poem at all - but a reflection of a life lived to the full.
    I hope I can be as content at the end of my days.

  2. I like the poem and don't think it is sad and blue. I have written what might be called 'blue poems'. I started to post some and then felt maybe many would think I was feeling that way. We are a mixture of many emotions and feelings.

    When I write something on the bluish side, I hope others look at the structure of the poem as well as just the words.

    I wish I had written this poem. I will keep it in my "Poems Written by Others" Folder. :)

  3. A beautiful life well lived is not sad, except to those who will miss the person when s/he's gone.

  4. I agree with the others who say this is not blue at all - it's a reflection of a long, full life, and the only sadness is that the person will be missed by those he/she loved in life. Well done, MotherOwl.

    Our time just changed, too, although the darkness is increasing each day no matter what time it is by the clock. I'm glad the short days peak in December, not January, because January is hard enough with all that snow - knowing that the days are getting longer again is a bit of cheer when we need it.

  5. Thank you all. I hope to be as serene and fulfilled when my time is up.


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