mandag den 28. oktober 2019

Poetry Monday :: Tuna

 This Monday's theme is: Tuna from  Diane - who's momentarily not posting due to technical difficulties.
 Also Participating in this fun is Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey and Mimi at  Messymimi's Meanderings
  Well the theme is set.  Ready, start, rhyme!

 I made several mistakes posting this. I forgot the links, I posted an empty post, I forgot to name it, and finally I typed in Moanday instead of Monday.  And this is a tell tale of my relationship with tuna.  It's a love-hate one really. 
 Here's what one hour of staring at a blank piece of paper resulted in:

The TUNA's a big and beautiful fish.
That is in the sea, and not in my dish.

Now, after declaring my total failure in eating as well as writing of Tuna.  I'm off to see what others did. 
Next week's theme is Busy Days. Thanks Jenny. 

6 kommentarer:

  1. Smiling broadly at your poem.
    And yes, my Monday was Moanday too - so I am smiling there as well. Thank you.

  2. I love your poem, MotherOwl - short and sweet and to the point!

    I also love the phrase Moaning Monday and if I ever give up Poetry Monday I might have to start a Moaning Monday post instead :D

    1. Thank you. A Monday Moanings post would be far too long, I'm afraid.

  3. That is an excellent poem, my family will agree with you!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.