mandag den 21. oktober 2019

Poetry Monday :: Soap

Diane is as always posting the themes for Poetry Monday. This Monday the theme is Soap, given to us by Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey 
Also Participating in this fun is Mimi at  Messymimi's Meanderings
  Well the theme is set. Ready, start, rhyme!

For years now I've been making soap
Round soaps, square soaps, soaps on a rope,
Soaping is an antidote to the mopes,
For soaps are always filled with hopes.
I've made more soaps than  I care to count.
Yes even soaps in copious amount.
Then how do I do.
I'll tell you too: 
I'm going to get a couple of those a couple of these
Things from the bushes and things from the trees.
I blend the oils, and mix a batch
It is a game of mix and match
Heat them
Beat them
And fill up the mould.
Wait two days I have been told
Then cut them, and put them on a rack to dry
for a period of time - all of six weeks.
Oh, my patience to try.
Hope for no lye leaks
Hope for no orange spot,
If they come it is back in the pot!
Then it's time for a test.
Bathing and bubbling! this is the best!

-- 💖 --

Did you spot my citation? 
the lines:
I'm going to get a couple of those a couple of these
Things from the bushes and things from the trees.
is stolen from  Chomper's song Friends for Dinner (The Land before Time V)
Next week's theme is: Tuna from Diana - who's momentarily not posting due to tecnical difficulties.  

6 kommentarer:

  1. I do admire you.
    Home made soap leave the commercial varieties in the dust. However my lazy self doesn't have (or can't find) the patienceor the energy.
    I loved your poem too.

    1. Thank you.
      In my place it's not hard to find homemade soap, you just cisit the nearst farmers' market - but not when it rains ;)

  2. I love your poem - and the lines you singled out were an excellent use of the quotation. Is it true what you said to Elephant's Child, that soap makers don't sell their wares on a rainy day? That's interesting!

    1. Thank you, Jenny. And selling soaps in rain: I don't if it's an open air market. I sell my soaps in paper wrappings, and they suck up moisture from the air. Cellophane will do the same, as it is also "paper". Then try imagining rain ... Did you see bubbles? I use all of next week drying and re-packaging soaps if a shower passes by.

  3. What fun! While i've never made soap, i've heard it can be tricky getting the temperature and balance of ingredients correct. Hope you are having a great week, and your next batch of soap turns out to be all you want it to be.

    1. Thank you. next up will be a batch of Christmas soap - 6 weeks before is very soon.


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