mandag den 7. oktober 2019

Poetry Monday :: Paper

This Monday's theme is Paper, courtesy of Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey.

Inspired by that same lady, I dug into my old Haiku and found this one. It is the only haiku, I ever wrote in French, and that is why you get first the French original, then an English and a Danish rewrite of it - I won't call it translations as poetry in my mind is not translated, but rather re-created in another language. 

La neige tombait.
Blanche comme papier virginal.
Qui y peut écrire?

World covered in snow
As white as unused paper.
Where is the writer?

Sneen dækker alt
Hvid som det tomme papir
Hvem skriver tekster?

The English and Danish versions have been published in: Danish Haiku Today 2012. 
Next Monday's theme is Our Bucket List given by Diane

8 kommentarer:

  1. Like EC, I am so impressed - poem in three languages! I understand the French version but could never write in French. What a lovely image to go with the poem.

    1. Thank you. Normally I do not write in French either, but I had a "french period" reading books in French, watching French movies ect.
      I love finding images to go with my poems - or writing poems to go with my photos. Sometimes I don't know which came first.

  2. Oh, my word, this is beautiful!
    Now I'm imagining everything that will be written in that snow: animal tracks. Childrens' playing. Lone tire treads.

  3. Wow. And i love your idea that poetry is not translated, but recreated.


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