tirsdag den 21. januar 2025

Sunday Selection on a Tuesday & Colour25

I saw these early signs of spring Sunday Morning, but when we returned from mass, the sun had already set. The same repeated itself Monday. only I returned from the outcomeful meeting - I do not know if outcomeful is a word, if not, it totally needs to be.

Today I returned from PE and ophthalmologist (my eyes are not worse - YAY) in time to snap a photo. If these do not fit New Start Yellow, nothing does!
Jeg så de her tidlige forårsbebudere søndag morgen. Men da vi endelig vendte hjem fra kirke, var solen allerede gået ned. Det var den også mandag, da jeg vendte hjem fra et resultatfyldt møde i København, Men i dag, da jeg vendte hjem fra øjenlægen (mine øjne er ikke blevet værre - juhu!) en time tidligere, var der lige præcis lys nok til at fotografere de her små erantis. Hvis ikke de passer til New Start Yellow,, er der vist ingenting der gør.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Outcomeful is a wonderful word. And in my experience a rare one connected with meetings.
    Love the cheery yellow you captured.

    1. Oucoemful and meeting do not normally go together, but for these meetings it's a fitting word.
      Thank you. I love these small cheery flowers too.

  2. The flowers do fit the colour. Great that your eyes are not worse.

    1. Thank you - it's the archetypical Danish spring flower, and I always think that it unfolds earlier this year - it doesn't; it has ethanol in it's veins so it is able to survive a freezing spell.

  3. These are wonderful! And yes, outcomeful should be a word, although my spell check doesn't like it.

    1. Your spell checker is not alone. I wanted it to be a word nevertheless ;)


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