Some days ago it snowed. I went shopping. Our pedestrian streets have been remade, they are now neither pretty nor good, as they are quite slippery when wet or filled with snow. I think that whoever made this decision was not feeling very sharp that day. Even I who am not afraid of taking a fall, waddle like a penguin when snow is falling. Maybe I could survive a fall (I can) but my shopping bags, containing milk, eggs, and soft drinks in bottles ...
As I was waddling along, I noticed a car turning into our pedestrian street, people living there are allowed of course, as are delivery vans. I jumped into a snowdrift and looked - nonplussed - at the car. It was a
As I was waddling along, I noticed a car turning into our pedestrian street, people living there are allowed of course, as are delivery vans. I jumped into a snowdrift and looked - nonplussed - at the car. It was a
Then today on our way to mass, I saw this car in the park site near church.I was almost late for mass, and the Owlets wondered what upheld me.
For the last week or so a 007 has been mocking me, parked where I normally go shopping - but no 006 anywhere to be seen, so now I had caught that one I though to myself that it would be nice and easy, I would just go there tomorrow and look for it ... But on our way home from mass, in that very same park site ...
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How amazing to get those numbers so close together. Well done.
SvarSletAnd yes, that delicious looking cake qualifies.
Thank you. It is a Danish New years speciality.
SletTime to buy a lottery ticket! -Christine
SvarSletI might do - I need some luck.
SletThat cake looks yummy and weird number thing on the cars.
Thanks - I masked some of the number plates - I won't be accused of exposing peoples' whereabouts on my blog.
SletCake definitely passes for new start yellow. 83 1/4 years to go? Good luck.
SvarSletThank you - estimated time down from 104 years when I found the 004, so definitely some progress ;)
SletIt's nice to make progress, and a little quick progress sometimes gives you a desire to not give up.
SvarSletThe desserts look delicious, and very yellow.
Thsnk you - some more not so slow progress would be appreciated - just enough to bring the finishing line inside my expected life span ;)
SletThe cake-desserts were homemade and good.