tirsdag den 9. januar 2024

News, Thanks, and a small Bother

First of all a HUGE THANK YOU to everybody - regular readers and those just popping over - who wished me well, sent prayers and good vibes my way. Today I feel like I am going to survive being "perforated" (Keyhole surgery is the right term, thanks EC). I'm still  ... wobbly ... I think is the best word, but I can stand erect, walk around, even stretch with care, so mending is absolutely happening.

As a direct consequence of feeling better, I began cleaning my blog - easy, sedentary job - and noticed that the background was still Advent time's Jesse Tree. I put up a snowy landscape instead which is most fitting since the snow still lies here, and we're treated to something as extraordinary as clear, freezing and even sunny weather. This is my favourite winter weather.

But after having changed the background - and I touched no other settings! my date header did not have its usual transparent background. Thinking back, I remembered this happening every single time I have changed my blog background for a very long time.

Before I corrected it, I took a screenshot. It looked like this:

Does any of you know why this happens and maybe even how to prevent this from happening?

8 kommentarer:

  1. I am so very glad to read that you are starting to feel a little better. Very, very glad.
    I cannot help with your 'puter problems and will watch the responses with interest.

    1. Thanks a lot. As I say to Lissa, this might just be New Blogger up to 'fun'.

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better.

    I have never had the date with background color error before. I think if you don't make anything with a black background (color #000000), then this might not happen. Sometimes it's not necessary to put background color info to a section in the html and leave it blank. I don't know if that's completely true but that's my way.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. As far as I know I have no black (except text) on my blog at all. And I did not change anytheing but the background pic. I know how to and what to do, so no need to tamper with anything but this. It might be just one of New Blogger's quirks.

  3. Well done on feeling better. I can barely manage layout on my own blog and change upsets me as it never, ever works out but cheers on your adventuresome courage on changing it.

    1. Thank you. Here as in so many other areas I'm curious as to how it works, and stubborn enough to actually learn how to do it.

  4. I'm glad you are better, and sorry I have no advice. I'm lucky to be able to use a computer at all.

    1. Thank you. Being able to use a computer is a good thing, curious me just do not stop there ... I've done the journey together with computer technology ever since programs were stored on magnetic tapes, and a tech savvy guy once told me that if everything bugged up, a restart and maybe even a reinstall was always a solution. Ever since I was never afraid to play, and have learned loads. I find messing with the "innards" of a PC a challenge, and it bothers me that Blogger is changing things, I positvely know I did not touch while working there.


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