onsdag den 3. januar 2024

A Short Break and Hope :: En kort pause og håb

Med dette smukke billede af månen over min landsby som pausefisk, beder jeg jer om gode ønsker, positive vibrationer og forbøn. I morgen, den 4. januar skal jeg endelig have fjernet min galdeblære.

Jeg håber at vende tilbage snart i en ny og forbedret version.

-- 💕 -- ⚓ -- 💙 -- 

This pretty photo of December's full moon over my village has to serve as my Taking a break-aquarium. Tomorrow, Thursday 4th, is hopefully the day I'll have my gall bladder surgery. Please send good vibes, positive thoughts and prayers my way.

I hope to be back soon as a better me, hopefully.

20 kommentarer:

  1. I hope everything goes well for you and hope you will have a speedy recovery.

    Have a lovely day.

  2. I will continue to hold you firmly in my heart.

  3. I am praying it all goes well.

  4. Good thoughts coming your way from Australia.

  5. What a lovely shot Charlotte, definitely a "framer" as we say. Godspeed on your surgery, never pleasant no matter what it is. I hope it's "keyhole" i.e. no major incision. Light and love.

    1. Thank you - and yes a "keyhole" I am back home. Thanks

  6. Sending prayers your way, dear Charlotte!

  7. Hello Charlotte, I am a new visitor from Elephant Child's blog. I came over to wish you well and a quick recovery from your surgery. Also, wishing you A Very Happy and Healthy New Year :)

    1. Thank you, and welcome. I'll come over and read later.

  8. My wife had hers out years ago. I found out too late about keeping the stones. Apparently in some cultures they are worth a few dollars.

  9. Hmm, I had only the bisggest one. I'm not going to sell it, and neither am I going to make it into a pendant - the other suggestion.

  10. Visiting from EC's blog ...
    Hope your surgery goes well and I wish you a speedy recovery.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  11. Good luck Charlotte with the surgery! Came from EC's blog.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.