Dagens stikord er Chokoladeknapper. Sære Uglemor elsker kager og elsker chokolade, bare hver for sig, tak! Så min echokoladeknapper ender altså ikke i kagerne. Hvad så?
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Chocolate chips - crazy MotherOwl loves chocolate and loves cakes, cookies and so on. Only please do not mix! What then would happen to my chocolate chips if I had any?
Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.
Chocolate Chips
In a pot I pour them
Liquid they become.
First I stir them, mix and fold.
Then I pour them in a mould.
Leaves and flowers, little owls,
Squares and circles heaped in bowls.
Chocolate chips no more
Happily I'll devour.
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Next Monday: Musical Instruments
Yum. I would love to see (and eat) chocolate owls.
SvarSletChocolate candies made that way are a delight.
SvarSletI confess I eat chocolate chips straight from the bag, and if they were made into little owls I would eat those, too :)
SvarSletI remember the days when I made fancy chocolate shapes, I had molds of flowers, hearts, stars etc and sometimes made three different coloured and flavoured layers, but it got too expensive so now I just buy chocolate to eat maybe once a month and have only a little each day.
SvarSletAre you okay? No posts for a couple of days has me worried a bit.
SvarSletSorry, Yes I'm fine. Only family from far away visiting, Summer has finally come, a magazine to edit, and a hurting back leaves me not blogging or commenting or answering. Sorry. Sunday is a the last - I hope - in the row of crazy-busy days so normal blogging to be resumed Monday :) Thanks for your concern.