onsdag den 12. august 2020

Words for Wednesday 12 august 2020

Lissa has given us two photos as prompts. Photolink
Here's a short story. And the two photos of course.

  Susan sat with Grandma's old photo-album in her lap. "I did not know you had been to England, Grandma."
  "Well I have ... those photos ... I had almost forgotten them. It is so long ago. I was sent to England to think over whether I really wanted to marry  your Granddad. It was a terrible trip. It was raining all the time, and the hotel was situated on the edge of the poor quarter." Grandma sighed. 
 "It is me under that umbrella. We had been shopping gifts for those at home. I was wet, cold and terrified. It was such a big city, the types hanging out around the hotel were big, tough and unfriendly. My parents' friends, who had promised to take care of me, left me mainly to their daughter. She just showed me around the town, and took those two photos."
  "Is that you in the background of the lower photo as well?" Susan asked.
  "Yes," Grandma answered. "This was the only  sunny day, as I remember. The hotel is in the small alley where I'm heading. I was afraid of those children. They were so poor. I felt as a millionaire in comparison. Which I most cerainly was not, though I had more money then than I do now."
  "And what happened?" Susan asked.
  "I hurried home, when my 'holiday' ended, and of course I married granddad next year."

4 kommentarer:

  1. As always I love your interpretation of the prompts. And thank you for the reminder that poverty is relative.

  2. Great work with this prompt! And now my imagination has taken off thanks to your little story!

  3. Wonderful! You worked Susan and her Grandmother in seamlessly to these photos.

  4. This is great. I think I would have make one of the children Grandma and then she can explain how she used to play with those children and how much trouble she got herself into - you know, there's always something to tell when it comes to people's childhood.

    You've used the prompts/photos perfectly.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.