lørdag den 15. august 2020

Poetry Monday :: Responsibilities

  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey has given us RESPONSIBILITIES as this Monday's subject.
  She and  Diane of On the Border are taking turns supplying us with a theme and crafty poems.
  Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings also writes a poem for us to enjoy.

Hmm. Responsibilities seem not to be the stuff poems are made of. I have been thinking, wringing my hands and from time to time pulled out a hair. I ended up with this half-baked piece of not-quite poerty. I'm not satisfied, but it's what I've got.

Responsiblilties are not
The kind of fluffy stuff whereof
My poerty is made

Responsibility is work
And poetry the extra perk
to do when work is done

Next Monday's clue: Tomatoes

9 kommentarer:

  1. Smiling - and loving that you see poetry as a perk.
    Worried about jenny_o and her husband though.

    1. Thanks.
      Yes I feel worried as well. Uncertainty is nerve wrecking.

  2. I so agree, Charlotte, I found 'Responsibilities' a hard theme, too. I don't think 'Tomatoes' is going to be much easier, but sometimes a difficult challenge can bring out the best in us. My fingers are firmly crossed for Jenny and her husband.

    1. Oh, I have already loadsof ideas for tomatoes. I hope to read your take on tomatoes as well, as I thoroughly enjoyed your 'responsibilities'.
      Fingers crossed here as well.

  3. Good afternoon, how are you? I'm Brazilian and I'm looking for new followers for my blogspot and I will also follow you for sure. New friends are also welcome.


    1. As my Brazilian is very bad (almost non-existant) I'm not going to follow your blog, But your photos are very beautiful. You live in a pictoresque country.

  4. You handled it beautifully! Who knew it was possible to co-mingle the work and the perks! :)

  5. Thank you. I always try to allow for fun to be intermingled in the work; you know ... just a spoonful of sugar ...

  6. That works very well indeed!


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