mandag den 3. august 2020

Poetry Monday :: Masks

  Masks - the theme for this Poetry Monday comes from Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey. She and  Diane of On the Border are taking turns supplying us with a theme and crafty poems.
  Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings also writes a poem for us to enjoy. 

  This Monday's word, masks, was not very inspiring, as I did not want to think of Corona and epidemics and such. But then I remembered a children's song in Danish. 
  In times of old a.k.a. my childhood it was often sung when we ran trick or treating the Monday before Lent - that's what we did then. Now children do it the American way - trick or treating for Halloween, and Monday before Lent is not free from school any more, just a plain ordinary school day. 

Now you can't guess who I am.
No, you can't guess who I am.
Cause I'm wearing a maks
Misk-mosk-mask I wear.
Now you can't guess who I am.

Now you can't guess who I am.
No, you can't guess who I am
Cause I'm wearing a nose
Nis-nas- nose I wear.
Now you can't guess who I am.

Now you can't guess who I am.
No, you can't guess who I am
Cause I'm wearing a frock
Frick-frack-frock I wear.
Now you can't guess who I am.

Next Mondays word is: Dreams

5 kommentarer:

  1. Smiling.
    And thinking (more seriously) of the masks so many people wear. Masks that conceal who they are from us and sometimes from themselves as well...

  2. This is a nice and non-covid take on "masks" from a more comfortable time, Charlotte. I was thinking the same as EC about the kinds of masks we put on to conceal or protect ourselves from the world ... but didn't have the time or energy to flesh it out to a poem.

  3. Thank you. An yes, I too thought of that kind of masks as well. Masks and blogging (or social media in general), masks and everyday life ect. But as Jenny, I could not pull it off. I went for the ligth and easy take. I needed some lightmindedness in these times.

  4. This is adorable! I remember putting on masks for Halloween in my early days and feeling sort no one knew who I was!

  5. What a fun children's song, thank you for sharing it as your contribution today.


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