mandag den 13. april 2020

Poetry Monday :: My Favourite Lunch

Because my health is still not good, my verse today is short.

My favourite lunch is plain,
Now please let me explain.
It's homemade bread with honey
Best eaten somewhere sunny.

Next week, we stay with food: My favorite snack.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Short and sweet - and has left such a wonderful image in my head. I am looking forward to spring sun here. So far we've had spring snow, spring sleet, spring rain, and spring wind! The forecast for tomorrow is better and I shall sit on the steps in the sun if it shines.

  2. That sounds like a blissful lunch.
    Still sending healthy cyber wishes to you.

  3. That sounds so simple and nourishing. Eaten in the sunshine, it would be perfect.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.