mandag den 27. april 2020

Poetry Monday :: Birds

   Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
  This week we talk of Birds

  This is a modern form for petry - I think it's called Free Verse. I'm not sure it is poetry at all, but I felt tempted to make something like this today. 

I'm watching birds,
Owls and Eagles in livestream.
Sparrows in the garden.
Starlings on the rooftops,
Swallows in the air,
Wagtails in the street,
And blackbirds in my apple tree. 

Next week we'll talk of Friends.

6 kommentarer:

  1. It is definitely a poem - and would be delightful to see.

  2. Yes, free verse is a poem, that's a lovely one.

  3. I like this so much, Charlotte. Our birds are different from yours (some of them, anyway, but I enjoy whatever is outside.

  4. Poetry just has to evoke an emotion or image. And this does. Perfectly!

  5. Thank you all! I am as always happy about experimenting. Your encouraging words mean so much to me. Thanks again.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.