tirsdag den 11. februar 2020

Entrelac - Neverkont

Efter et foto, jeg havde gemt på nettet for en tre-fire år siden og forskellige og stumper og stykker herfra og derfra forsøgte jeg at strikke neverkont fra midten og ud.
Her er billedet fra nettet - det ser jo pænt ud. Billedet er siden forsvundet, så ingen hjælp at hente der.

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Some years ago I found this photo in the Internet. It has since disappeared. I thought it could be fun to knit something like it - Entrelac from the centre and out. This is pretty.

og her er mit første forsøg Rædsomt - grimt og fuldt af fejl!
My first try. Fugly and error-filled! 

Det næste forsøg var lidt bedre, tykkere garn vil nok gøre underværker.
My second try was better. Thicker, fluffier yarn would be nice.

Så lånte jeg denne her bog. Det ligner alligevel bare ikke det, jeg i sin tid fandt på nettet.

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I visited the library, and brought this book home. The beginning is fine, but from there on something strange happens. It does not look like my first love.

Morale: På'en igen, Uglemor!

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The moral: Try again, MotherOwl.

9 kommentarer:

  1. Amazing! I have never tried knitting. I would be a total loss at it!

  2. If you don't have "thicker, fluffier yarn", could you try using two strands together just for a practice piece? Or would it make it even more complicated when you are just learning? It truly is a beautiful technique. You will get it perfectly very soon! Because you have persistence :)

    1. Oh, I have thicker, fluffier yarn, but it's my pretty yarn, so I use this for testing. It is the left-over ends of many projects. Double yarn I would normally do, but I'm trying to learn to knit purl rows backwards from the right side, so two strands would surely confound me, I'm afraid.
      PS: I do not knit with this many needles, only 4, I would not stab myself, but loose the needles all the time ;) They are there to show the knitting off.

  3. P. S. I would be stabbing myself with that many needles :)

  4. It's a beautiful pattern. Even a simple square knit in entrelac is beautiful but this one knit from te centre is wonderful!

  5. You are doing very nice pieces, and as you practice you know it will get better and better.

  6. Den er her - men i en Google oversættelse https://orochiknit.com/patterns/top-down-basket-hat/


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