mandag den 3. februar 2020

Poetry Monday :: Water

   The theme for this first Monday in February was given by Diane On the Border. This time an inexhaustible theme: Water.
  Normally also participating are: Jenny, Mimi, and Merry Mae
  Nothing fancy this time around. A haiku from a visit to a wintry beach. Not this year though, it's what we call a green winter. 

Along the shoreline.
Frozen water, snow on sand.
Glimpse of green - sea glass.

Next Mondays theme will be: Relatives.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Love your haiku, and would love to see that scene.

  2. Oh, I HAVE seen that, living near the ocean as we do, and you've captured it perfectly, Charlotte. Beautiful.

  3. The shore at winter has its own magic.

  4. Nice haiku. Thanks for leaving a comment on my story at River's blog.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.