tirsdag den 31. december 2019

Grumpy WinterOwl.

   Diane's post on traveling away from snow and winter just made me realize that I live North of WiseWebWoman on Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland, and even North of Diane in Canada. We live on the 56th parallel North. According to Wikipedia we are regaled with a measly 6 hours, 57 minutes day during the Winter solstice. Ergo our days are even shorter, but as the Golf current keeps us warm, snow and real winter is a thing, we seldom see.
  And what you cannot see from the numbers, is that the Sun even during those almost 7 hours only clears the horizon by 11 degrees at 12 o clock. The murky, dark and moist thing, Denmark has as a bad substitute for Winter is not one of MotherOwl's favourite things. 
   For my readers on the Southern hemisphere: The 56th parallel South lies in the water just South of Tierra del Fuego, and a healthy bit south of Australia.
   No wonder, I find our days shorter and darker than most of the blog-writers' that I follow.
   Grumpy, murky MotherOwl speaking, sorry.

I put in a Sun in the photo - taken into the Sun this last day of 2019 a little past noon. It is not easy photographing the Sun.

Sunrise at 8.44. Sunset at 15.46
+ 5 minutes already.

... And now it is 4 o'clock. The Sun has set and the Moon is out.

I wish you all ...

5 kommentarer:

  1. I didn't realize just how far north you live, MotherOwl. I would have a grump too, if I had so little light.

    I've just googled Seasonal Affective Disorder in Denmark (because it's a thing in some parts of Canada and I was curious about how common it would be in your country) and found an interesting article about dealing with the lack of light:
    Do you find any of those things helpful? It must be a real challenge to deal with.

    Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy new year, my friend :)

    1. I began answering here, but pictures would not go in, and it was way too long. The answer turned into a blog post of its own.
      Lots of well wishes for you and your family as well.

  2. I welcome the relative chill of our winters but find the lack of light difficult - and would definitely join your grumpiness.
    The New Year has dawned here, but after a catastrophic day yesterday has dawned shrouded in eye-stinging smoke.
    Here's to better, kinder, gentler days for us all.
    And hugs to you and yours.

    1. Welcome in the grumpy club. We all hope for better, gentler, less perilous days ahead.
      Hugs to you and yours as well and stay safe!

  3. We swamp creatures get a lot more light than that, for which i am grateful. Even on the weeks where every day is gray skies, we have more daylight hours. You have every reason to be grumpy at the lack of light.


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