tirsdag den 17. december 2019

Busser igen-igen

Yet another bus-related rant: We now have to wait 57 minutes for our train every Sunday because somebody did not do their homework. We just so much hope that it is an error and it will be corrected.

-- 🚌 -- 🚆 --

     Så blev det den 15. december - og der kom nye køreplaner. 
     Men ... upsi, 57 minutters ventetid det meste af lørdagen og søndagen fordi Lokalbanen har fået nye tider, og busserne ikke er fulgt med!
     Vi går nu og håber på at det er en fejl, og at fejlen vil blive rettet!

Fra Movias hjemmeside om R-busser: LINJENS KARAKTERISTIKA - inaktivt link:
R-busser er kendetegnet ved at have faste minuttal og sikre korrespondancer til øvrige konceptbusser samt andre vigtige bus- og togforbindelser. Det tilstræbes, at R-bussen har en så direkte linjeføring som muligt mellem større byer. R-busser kører to gange i timen fra kl. 06-20 på hverdage og timedrift fra kl. 20-24 på hverdage samt kl. 06-24 i weeken-den og helligdage.
Nu skriver de i stedet: R-busser er kendetegnet ved at have faste minuttal og sikre korrespondancer til øvrige konceptbusser samt andre vigtige bus- og togforbindelser. Det tilstræbes, at R-bussen har en så direkte linjeføring som muligt mellem større byer. Med halvtimedrift i dagtimerne og timedrift aften og weekend passer R-bussen godt til passagerernes behov, hvor mange har fleksible arbejdstider og benytter bussen til fritidsaktiviteter og kulturtilbud om aftenen eller i weekenden.

Vi ankommer 9.31 ... toget gik 9.28 og går så først igen 10.28. Stationen er lukket lørdag og søndag. God fornøjelse.

7 kommentarer:

  1. I just started following you and thought you had an English translator button but couldn't find it. :(
    So I will just say I like the picture on each side of your blog. Particularly the snake and the apple.

    1. Dear nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing,
      Normally I translate all my blog posts, so that they are bi-lingual. The English (or in rare cases the Danish) version is not always a translation, but often a rewrite.
      Sometimes the posts are in English only - like Words for Wednesday.
      And sometimes in Danish with an English summary on top. Those ones are pertaining to Danish-only things - among these rants about time tables and buses ;) . Also some of the first blog posts are Danish only - that changed fast, though, because of many readers with English as their first or often only common language.
      The background pictures are the ornaments for the Jesse Tree - an American / English custom, I'm doing my best to import.
      Thank you for following my blog!

    2. Thanks for the reply and explanation. I will just read what I can .... and make up what I can't. lol
      I wish I could speak,read and write another language!
      I was not familiar with a Jesse Tree. I am not religious. But it seems like a nice custom/tradition for those that are. :)

  2. I feel for you. Our bus woes continue. And the weekend service is completely unreliable. Buses are scheduled, but may or may not arrive.

    1. Nothing but trouble. It seems we're not the only ones hit by this only half-done change of the time-tables. I really hope they re-do it.

  3. It is as if the people who run the busses are doing what they want, not what the people they serve need. Hmm, that sounds like a good bit of government now, doesn't it.

    1. Hehe yes. Some years ago I told them "if you just want to drive buses from A to B and be at A or B in the shortest possible time, why do you then have bus stops? Remove them, and run buses on a tight time table. If on the other hand you want to carry passengers, put up bus stops and plan routes after where people live and want to go!" Yes I was angry. And yes, we had our bus back. Perhaps it is time to remind them once again.


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