onsdag den 14. november 2018

Words for Wednesday - 14. November -- Unicorn Farm 7

This week's prompts are provided by Elephant's Child.




Once again I wrote a small chapter from my autobiography and once again I took up the additional challenge of using the prompts in the order they were given. 
We're taking up the thread where we left it. It's the second summer at Unicorn Farm, holidays are coming to an end, and Susan is going home to attend normal school. Wizarding school is taking place during holidays only.

Susan found it hard to peel off her striped witch's skirt and once again face the normal world. But on the other hand, she found it hard to justify her black mood. She was not bringing her wizarding dress home with her, just to hang them on the wall. Heidi and the twins Tue and Lis, were not supposed to use magic. But Kai, father of the twins and Heidi, and a temporary employee in Winther's Summer Circus - he was a stage magician as well as the real stuff - had told them that control with the apprentice magicians was quite lax during off times. Susan imagined Heidi's mother's reaction to this. The temperature rose in her cheeks. But luckily, Sandra was not her mother. Only her best friend's mother. And even if Heidi and her siblings claimed that Sandra could foresee the future, at least for a small amount of time, Susan was not the least afraid of her and she always just let her many words and admonitions roll over her head like so much noise. She suspected that the twins did the same.

Susan's mind touched the old volume of cantrips and minor spells that she had checked out for reading during normal school time. She would have her revenge on those teasing class mates during the coming term. But then she remembered the words of Thora, the ancient, but energetic and lovable Icelandic teacher at the Unicorn Farm from their first day ever at Unicorn Farm: "You are all apprentice wizards, but apart from this, you're all different. And that is normal. You are here on Unicorn Farm to be taught the use of magic. And by use, I mean USE not abuse." Susan remembered Thora's black piercing eyes. She felt as if they had looked right into her soul. Susan suddenly felt as a fraud. If she ever did any of what she had planned only seconds ago, she was sure that sooner or later she was going to have to explain her actions under the scrutiny of these black eyes. Her knees felt weak and she had to sit down.

After sitting for a while Susan got up again. She had a vague feeling of barely having avoided something very dangerous. She promised herself then and there that she would only ever use her magic to help and amaze, never to hurt.

1 kommentar:

  1. LOVE your ongoing tale. And Thora sounds like a very powerful influence. A very, very powerful influence.


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