søndag den 29. oktober 2017

Flere fletteideer -- More Basket Weaving

     Endnu et blomsterfad er undervejs. Midten er denne gang flettet af fire forskellige slags thebrevsposer. Der går virkelig mange theposer til, og derfor har jeg da også måttet beder venner og bekendte om at samle thebreve fra arbejdspladser, skoler, møder og så videre.
Yet another flower bowl in the making. This time the middle flower is made from four different type of tea. I did not drink all this tea myself. I have asked almost everybody to collect from work, charities social events and so on.

Lidt længere --  A bit further

2 kommentarer:

  1. So pretty! The construction reminds me of the gum-wrapper chains I used to make waaaaaay back in grade school, though I have no idea how you make the square shape. Do I see a thread ... do you *sew* it together?

    1. Thanks! It is most probably your loong ago gum-wrapper chains. I make them into squares by changing direction ... well I don't know how to explain. And yes, I sew the modules together.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.