tirsdag den 28. marts 2017

Tusal - 3

     Så fuld har Uglemors stumpebøtte aldrig været før. Den er faktisk fuld til over kanten.

This is the fullest MotherOwl's ORTs bin has ever been. It's acually full to to the brim and then a bit.

     Det skyldes, som man måske kan regne ud, at Uglemor er ved at sy en Sæbekone-kjole. Den er næsten færdig, noget af sidesømmene skal rettes til, og så skal der sættes knapper i smækken. Modellen er med inspiration fra nettet, og fra engang i 1800-tallets første fjerdedel. Der er flere fantastiske sider om kjoler i gamle dage på nettet. For eksempel Nationalmuseets modehistorie, Izzys blog og Koshkas blog.

This is due to the fact,that MotherOwl is sewing a dress for the Soap Lady.  It's almost done. I made some mistakes along the way, and now hemming is done - by hand! its tim to adress the side seams and buttons for the drop front. This dress is inspired from dresses from the years 1800-1833. Inspirational pages: Danish National Museum's page on fashion, Izzy's blog and Koshka's blog.

Her er den så.

Well here it is.

TUSAL hos Daffycat

2 kommentarer:

  1. The dress looks great. But it looks like plenty of other orts in your bucket, too - you've been busy this month!

  2. Thank you. It's still a bit wonky, but improving. All the green fabric is trial runs for the dress - an old sheet that kept on ripping down the middle, not ideal for lace bodice practice ;) The red is basting thread. Then a bit from Pirate's socks and a blue jersey. There's almost nothing else but dress.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.