Thursday was nice, sunny and mild. But Friday and Saturday were not nice, windy, rain, sleet and even hail. But after noon on Saturday the Sun came out, the wind died down, and the inhabitants of the Owlery all went out to work in the garden.Look what happened.
Også her gik Skribenten i krig, nu kan man se huset. The Writer was here - Our house is visible again. |
Imens var Uglemor også flittig.
Meanwhile MotherOwl was busy as well.
Plastikket på domen skulle sættes fast efter vinterens blæsevejr. The plastic on the dome had to be fastened after the winter's storms. |
Og der skulle luges indenfor. Her groede masser af græs og nælder - av. And inside weeding was needed. Lots of grass and nettles - ouch. |
I torsdags måtte Uglemor tilkalde hjælp. Spirillen kom med sin hale - et gult reb med sorte pletter. Sammen halede vi stikkelsbærbusken i midten op og flyttede den ud til venstre. Nu kan vi måske plukke bærrene til sommer. Et par af buskede havde lavet aflæggere. De blev gravet op og plantet i et andet bed.
Thursday MotherOwl had to ask Marsupilami to help her. He came, and by means of his tail - a yellow rope with black spots - we pulled the gooseberry bush in the middle up, and placed it in a hole to the left. All three bushes have grown more than MotherOwl expected when they were planted. It was almost impossible to pick the berries. We hope for better picking this summer.
Fint bed med tre buske og luft. Nice bed with 3 bushes and space. |
En af de triste ting ved at luge, er alle de spandfulde ukrudt, det giver. Hvor skal vi nu gøre af dem?
One of the sad things about weeding is all the weeds. Where do we put them.
De røg alligevel ind i hønsegården. Så kan det være, de kan slå rødder og gro indtil der kommer høns igen. All the weeds ended up in the chicken cop anyway. Maybe some of it will grow there. |
Vi venter stadig på at fødevarestyrelsen kommer til fornuft og løfter forbuddet mod udehøns.
We're still waiting for the appropriate authority to lift the ban on free-range chicken.
Der er i hvert fald noget, der gror.
Something is growing:
Efter Karna Majs eksempel har jeg dækket et bed over med buer. Det er ikke så flot som hendes. Just like Karna Maj, I covered a beet with hoops and plastic. Not as pretty as hers, it is. |
men heldigvis er radiserne ligeglade. De må være spiret frem i går. But the radishes grow anyway. They were not there Thursday. |
Det varer ikke længe, før vi faktisk kan begynde at plukke noget fra haven. Vi præsenterer:
Soon we'll be able to pick the firs fresh things in the garden. MotherOwl presents:
Purløg Chives |
Rabarber Rhubarb |
Ramsløg Ramsons |
SvarSletI loved looking at your photos! Thank you for sharing them. Your garden is so interesting. We've grown chives and rhubarb but I don't know what ramsoms are. Possibly we have another name for them. I shall do some googling!
I couldn't share photos of our garden because it's a mess. We've had three weeks of rain (it's still falling) and because of the moisture and warm temperatures, the grass has grown into an untidy forest. Right at this moment, we have a thick mist settled over our home. I took the dog for a run through the mist yesterday. It was warm and humid and drizzly. I bet your recent rain was much colder than ours!