søndag den 13. marts 2016

Ugens ugle -- 10 -- Owl of the Week

     Ugens Ugle er en gave fra den mindste i Ugleboet, Piraten. Ind i mellem forlægger Ugleboets indbyggere residensen til et sommerhus ikke ret langt væk, men det er skønt at være væk fra hverdagen. Det er ikke vores sommerhus, men et, vi lejer en uge om året, så der er altid morsomt at se, hvad vi finder i skabe og skuffer som andre har glemt. For et par år siden fandt Piraten denne lille ugle i en skuffe. og gav den til Uglemor. Nu står den under min computerskærm og minder om sol, sommer, store is og drivglas hver gang jeg kigger på den.

- o 0 o -

The Owl of the Week is a gift from the Pirate, the youngest inhabitant in the Owlery. One week a year all the inhabitants of the Owlery goes to a summerhouse not that far away, but it is relaxing to be away, toteally away from phones, internet, visitors, in short away from everyday life.
As we only "own" this summerhouse one week a year, it's always exiting to see what was left behind in drawers and under beds or dropped through the boards of the deck. A couple of years ago the Pirate found this little owl in a drawer and promptly gave it to MotherOwl. It has its place under my monitor, where it reminds me of summer, sunshine, big ice cream, seafood, and sea glass whenever I look at it.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    "..summer, sunshine, big ice cream, seafood, and sea glass.." Those words sound so good. I imagine you're looking forward to summer and your holiday at the summerhouse. I love taking home souvenirs from our holidays. They always bring back happy memories just like you described. I think it's quite remarkable that it was an owl that was waiting in the summerhouse for you to discover. Knowing your love of owls, you couldn't have found anything better!

    1. Thank you for understanding perfectly what I was trying to convey.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.