Torsdag stak Uglemor og Piraten også lige hovedet indenfor i en genbrugsforretning. Det var en god idé. Uglemor fandt en masse hæklegarn i de helt rigtige farver til forårets temari.
Thursday MotherOwl and The Pirate visited the bees, and a second hand shop. It was a good idea, as MtoherOwl found some crocheting thread. Perfect for this Spring's temari.
I supermarkedet var der tilbud på dem her - også til temari
In the supermarket these were downpriced - they'll be turned into temari as well
Og så fandt vi dem her. Oversavede hunde. Den ene var pink, men pyt, Piraten havde noget sort spraymaling, som Uglemor godt måtte låne lidt af, så det kunne der laves om på. Den er da blevet flot. Vores cyklelhjelme trænger til bedre plads ens to såm overfyldte knaget. De bliver helt sikkert nemmere at finde, når de har hver sin hundehale at hænge på.
And then we found these half dogs. One of then was pink, not a fovourite colour in the Owlery. But the Pirate had some black spray paint and generously said that MotherOwl could use some of it. Just what was needed, Marsupliami wanted a black one.
Our bike helmets will stop being in a disarray or lost when thy're hung on dog's tails ... I hope.
I like the dog tails.
SvarSletGod bless.