lørdag den 27. februar 2016

Ugens ugler -- 8 -- Owls of the Week

     Ugens ugler er mine nøglernge. En til bilnøglen, den er en gave fra Skribenten, da han vendte hjem efter en konference i Firenze for snart længe siden. Nøgleuglen her har overlevet 3 biler, men øjnene er næsten slidt af.
     Den grønne ugle er en ægte bling-ugle, og ikke så gammel. Den er også en gave, denne gang fra storeøsøter, der vist bare havde fundet den. Den passer perfekt till Uglemors cykelnøgle, der er den nøgle Uglemor brugte for første gang i år. Cyklen havde stået og var blevet lidt tung og stiv i det efter en vinter i vores uopvarmede udhus, så efter turen fik den en gang olie  hist og pist. Det gjorde det af med  der meste af stivheden. Det tunge er lidt sværere at få væk, for detsidder måske nok snarere i Uglemors bagdel efter vinterpausen.

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The owls of the week are MotherOwls key chains. The biggest is the key to our car, The owl was a gift from The Writer as he returned home from Florence. It's long ago now, this owl is on its 3rd car.
The green bling owl was a gift as well. BigSis gave it to MotherOwl just because. Its green and a good match for MotherOwl's bike, which was out of its winter hideout for the first time yesterday. It was a bit stiff and very heavy. The stiff part was mostly solved by a liberal application of oil to the moving parts, the heavy part takes a bit longer, as it sits in MotherOwl's behind after the winter break.

Baggrunden er mit Buff et hals- og hovedbeklædningsrør, der er totalt smart og også kan bruges under cykelhjelmen.
The background is my Buff. A neck and headwear that is totally ingenious. It's good under a bike helmet as well.

     I dag er drt triste novembervejr med tåge og isnende vinde tilbage igen, og Uglemor vover sig ikke ud på cykel.
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Today boring late autumn weather has returned. Chilling winds and fog keeps MotherOwl from a bike ride today.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    A key for your bike? Is it a motor bike? I like your Buff. Did you make it yourself? I don't think I'd be brave enough to ride a motorbike. And I don't like wearing helmets because they flatten my hair. I'm a fussy hair person and don't like 'helmet hair'. I can see you are much more adventurous than me!

    1. My bike is an old fashioned, solid normal bike. But in Denmark bikes get stolen, and the insurance companies require sturdy locks. Not that I think I'd get any money if my bike was stolen it's 22 years old, but I love it. I always wear a helmet. Tow people, I know has crashed their bikes both were bedridden for a long tome, with severe headaches and loss of sense of smell as after effects. I wear my helmet, and command my children to do likewise.

    2. Uglemor,

      Thank you for explaining about your bike. Everyone here who rides a bike on the road has to, by law, wear a helmet. Yes, it's sensible to protect our heads. If I rode a bike I would wear a helmet despite not liking to get my hair flattened. But I don't have a bike. Unfortunately, my mother wouldn't let me have one when I was a child, so I have never been comfortable on two wheels. The one and only time I ride on the road, I nearly got run over by a bus. I am much safer on my own two feet!

    3. Ouch, nearly run over by a bus, that sounds deterring. I really love my bike, you have a freedom to go far, yet still carry a load, because your bike carries the heavier items. I'm not good at running - yes fast and short distances - not for long. Helmets are not by law here, and many adult does not wear one. Most would agree with you that the helmet ruins their hair.


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