fredag den 5. februar 2016

GrøftePant! -- DitchDeposit!

     Netop i dag tog Uglemor bussen fra et stoppested ca. en kilometer hjemmefra. I grøftekanten lå der dåser, flasker og i det hele taget skrammel. Uglemor samlede sammen, for at smide i skraldebøtten ved stoppestedet. Tænk så havde en eller anden idiot sparket bunden ud af bøtten - igen. Uglemor fik kigget lidt på "fangsten". De fleste dåser var jo med pant. Idé! Frem med indkøbsposen, fyld alle dåserne ned i og aflever dem på indkøb. Penge til Uglemor og renere natur med ét slag, ren win-win!
     Senere sad en træt Uglemor og rodede lidt rundt på Facebook. Der lå et opslag om skrald i naturen. Delt af en gruppe der hedder TrailSkrald. Genialt koncept.
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Today MotherOwl took the bus from further away from home, almost one kilometre distant. On her way MotherOwl picked up the trash in the ditches, as much as she could carry in her two hands. By the bud stop there's a rubbish bin. But some angry person had ruined the bin. MotherOwl studied her catch. Lots of cans, most with deposit. MotherOwl had an idea, she pulled out her shopping bag, and put all the cans in it. Then she handed in the cans while shopping, and received the deposit for the good ones. That's pure win. Money for MotherOwl and a cleaner ditch.
Later today MotherOwl leafed through her facebook posts. One was on how long trash stays in nature, shared by a group called TrailSkrald (TrailTrash) advocating the very same idea! Only the name ... Ugliest Danglish! MotherOwl invented a new all-Danish one, and an all-English one now we're at it.

   Ved aftenkaffen legede Uglemor med en blyant. Det kom der et elfje ud af. Og en tegning. Det er kun en skitse, og ingen af delene er fantastiske, men jeg ville så gerne dele:
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Then MotherOwl played with a pencil. An elfje and a sketch of a trash-elf was the result. Not excellent any of it, but I'd like to share anyway.

      For fremtiden vil der ligge en rulle affaldsposer i Uglemors rygsæk.Så bliver der brugt to, en til SkovSkrald og en til GrøftePant.  
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In the future MotherOwl will bring along some trash bags, one for the TrailTrash and  one for the DitchDeposit.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Jeg fatter simpelthen ikke, at folk ikke kan se det... suk.

    1. Nej, det gør jeg heller ikke. Dertil kommer at stormen Gorm var en rigtig gris, han kastede rundt med vores skraldebøtter, der skulle tømmes næste morgen, så der er bonus overalt stadigvæk :(

  2. Uglemor,

    Yes, I now understand what 'ditch deposit' is! I read this post a few days ago. I wrote a comment and then it disappeared as I hit 'pubish'. Being short of time, I didn't write another one.

    I was going to tell you how I hate seeing rubbish alongside our roads too. People throw things out of their car windows which is very annoying. The rubbish usually doesn't come from local people but those passing through our villages.

    Every year we have a 'clean up Australia day' where volunteers gather rubbish from all kinds of places like roadsides, rivers, the bush... It's amazing what is found. There's an old car in the bush near us. It was dumped there a long time ago. Sophie and I photographed it the other evening. Sometimes rubbish provides us with an unexpected opportunity to produce something interesting or beautiful!

    1. You're lucky to have such considerate people living around. We have a boarding school not far away and lots of people in our vilage are dog owners. Add to these inconsiderate passers through - of the same ilk as yours - they seem to be an international breed, and runners and bikers dropping energy gel wrappings ... well you get the picture.
      We too have a clean up, day, usually in the early Spring. Amazing results, but in our small corner there's never enough vounteers to go round ...
      I saw your car photos, romantic rubbish does exist. I might go and snap some black&white + 1 colour pictures of TrailTrash. It'll be interesting to see if I can find all 4 colours.


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