For sidste gang i år - og næsten symbolsk en dag for sent - tog Uglemor sin rangerkappe på og sneg sig ud af huser før daggry. Det var koldt, klart og blæsende. Før Uglemor var færdig med at tage billederne, var hun gennemkold, og den hånd, der havde holdt kameraet mod lygtepælen, var stivfrossen af kontakten med det kolde metal. Men koldt, klart og blæsende er en herlig afveksling fra truende, skummelt og regnfuldt.
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For the last time - and of course a day too late - MotherOwl put on her ranger cloak and sneaked out of the house before dawn. It was cold, clear and windy, which is an improvement over murky and rainful.
Windy means freezing cold, and MotherOwl was stiff from cold and her hand, holding the camera steady against the lamppost was numb from contact with the icy metal before pictures were dome to her satisfaction.
Dagens vers er invitatoriet til matutin, den første af de gamle tidebønner. De blev også lavet om ved liturgireformen i 60'erne, men Uglemor kunne bedre finde ud af den gamle version selv om den var på latin, og bad i mange år tidebøn med ujævne mellemrum. I vore dage findes teksten interaktivt på nettet, selv om den naturligvis undslipper Uglemors heuristik lige nu og hun ikke har lyst til at grave det gamle breviar op - det var måske ellers en god idé.
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Today's verse is the invitation from Matutin (Matins?) written down after memory, and folloving the latin breviary. MotherOwl has one of those, and many years ago she sporadically read the hours folloving the old latin rites because the new Danish book of the hours was big, unvieldy and expensive.Cited from memory because the online editions elude me, and I am too lazy to get up and hunt down my paper copy ... well this migth actually be a good idea.
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Looking over the firelds MotherOwl used the camera's built in nigth vision. It's wet. Very wet. It has been raining for weeks.There's not normally a lake or pond down there, but fields. A brook ran there once upon a time, but it runs in pipes now. Maybe the municipality should apply for nature reshaping and re-make the brook which now runs below ground. That would be good for wild life and maybe attract a stork or two.
Solopgang/solnedgang: 8:46/15:40, dagens længde 6:54, tiltaget 0:04
Hurra hele 4 minutter i dag!
A glorious 4 minutes longer!
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