onsdag den 17. juni 2015

Gyldne søm -- Golden spikes

 Uglemor har købt en pakke gyldne søm. på loppemarkedet.
Hvad mon der skal ske med dem? 
- o O o -
At the flea marked MotherOwl bought a box of golden spikes.
What are those spikes meant to be? 

Ligesom Pia har Uglemor jo også et par "hobbyhamme" som hun ikke rigtig er kommet længere med. Så Uglemor borede huller og banede gyldne søm i en kasse. Og fik lækre uldskyer for alt besværet. Glad Uglemor!

Like Pia MotherOwl has a couple of "backyard fleeces" that she wants to do something with. 
She started drilling holes in old boxes banging at nails and generally making active noises. In the end getting lots of fluffy fleece for her work. 
One happy MotherOwl.


 Let filtet, ret snusket uld
Lightly felted, not so clean wool


En stikkende æske (Grovkarte-aspirant)
One prickly box (wool picker-wannabe)

Lavet af gamle rester, en vinkasse og en masse gyldne søm

Made from scraps, an old vine crate and golden spikes galore


En uldsky!

One fluffy woolen cloud!

Spåuglen forudser flere uldne skyer på Uglemors sommerhimmel.

The Owlracle predicts wooly clouds in MotherOwl's Summer skies. 

Participating at Yarn Along at Small Things, because this is how yarn begins,.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Det ser ud som succes i første hug! Har du overlappet dine øverste og nederste søm, eller er der mellemrum?

    1. De overlapper med det yderste af spidserne. Sådan blev det bare. Og ligesom dig kunne jeg heller ikke greje at stille dem skråt. Det ser nu ud til at virke fint alligevel. Tak for inspiration.

  2. Gorgeous! Are there spikes in the hand-held piece as well? I'd love to see more pics of the device and perhaps some "technical" data - the surface area, the depth of the box, the number of spikes used... Thanks in advance :)

    1. There are spikes in the lid as well, yes. Measurements ect. I never did any, I just made do with what I had at hand. Like Pia I could not make the nails slant. A wonderful explanation on how to is found here: https://spidersworkshop.wordpress.com/2012/03/23/building-a-wool-picker/

  3. Thanks! I now have enough instructions - the next step is to find someone to make it for me :)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.