Det er - synes Uglemor i hvert fald - den allerdejligste tid på året. Verden er ny og større på er helt særlig måde.
- o O o -
Once again on my way home. But today it's glorious. It's the most wonderful time of the year. The trees are unfolding their leaves, the canola plants are blossoming for dear life and so are the sloeberries in the ditches. Everything is as new in these busy days. NYD DET -- ENJOY |
Tak Gud for hver en nyfødt morgen. Thanks God, for every newborn morning
Tak, Gud, for hver en dejlig dag. Thanks God, for every lovely day.
Tak, Gud, om jeg i glæden, sorgen Thanks God that I in joy and sorrow
er dig til behag Still can live Your way.
(Martin Schneider "Danke" 1961)
I know there's an English translation, but - with apologies to anybody who loves this song - MotherOwl thinks that the translator has turned a tune with thanks for everything, good and bad alike, into an innocuous tune of thanks for everything happy.
Solopgang/solnedgang: 5:05/21:09, dagens længde 16:04, tiltaget 9:13
SvarSletOh what a difference from last week's photo! Yes, glorious! I love the bright green of newly unfolded leaves. The blossoms are beautiful. Thank you for sharing!