fredag den 15. maj 2015

Helgen-malebog -- Liturgical Calendar Coloring Book

     Igennem længere tid har jeg fulgt Mary MacArthurs blog, Scetches and Subcreations, og nydt hendes charmerende billeder og vittige betragtninget over stort og småt og ure.
     Hun bortgav en måned af sin "Det ,liturgiske års helgener - en malebog" for et link på bloggen og min ærlige mening. Først et link: Malebogen kan købes online her. 
     Så min ærlige mening. Hendes evne til at fange det karakteristiske ved enhver helgen er fantastisk. Og det har ført til nogle gode samtaler med de fire Ugleunger. De er ikke så glade for at male, men deres dom var absolut positiv, hvis de skulle sige noget negativt var det en let mangel på detaljer. Vi har smugkigget på resten af maj måneds helgener og vores favorit er absolut landmanden Isidore.
     Og så holder hun faktisk mere end hun lover. Ud over helgener er der også påske, pinse, jul osv. med.

- o O o -

For a longish time I have followed Mary MacArthurs blog Scetches and Subcreations. I have thoroughly enjoyed her charming drawings and quirky thougths on life, the Universe and clocks.

Now I have received a month's worth of her Liturgical Calendar Colouring book in exchange for my honest opinion and a link on my blog. The link is here:colouring book.
My honest opinion is that Mary MacArthur has an uncanny knack of catching the caracteristic dimension of each Saint. It has made for some very good and giving conversations with my four boys. They all said the drawings were fine to colour, and they coloured some real good ones along the way. The only negative comment, I heard, was a lack of small details to colour.

 We've had a sneak peek on all the saints of May. Our favourite was St. Isidore the Farmer. 

4 kommentarer:

  1. As far as I'm aware there's no colouring police preventing you from drawing more details of your own - in fact I would probably enjoy that more than just filling in spaces. But it's all in how we're raised, don't ever cross the lines! ;-)

    1. Actually, I suggested just that!
      And as fior crossing the lines. One of the Owlets got consistent bad "notes" for their work in KG. Until one day I asked him: "But did the teacher never telly you not to cross the lines?" His answer was a surprised NO! And from then on his notes improved.

  2. I'd like to add that when I said "we are raised", I didn't mean in particular how you raise your kids, but the society as a norm. And deliberately writing in English in case anyone else is curious about our "debate".

    1. My associative mind made me think of this story. ;) And I agree with "how we are raised". I banned colouring books for many yease in order to make the Owlets look at things and draw their own way - my private protest against drawing inside the lines. Curiosity and an open mind are things to strive to keep.
      I agree on your use of English as well. Apart from my mother, I think my (few) readers are all English, or at least English-speaking.


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