onsdag den 27. maj 2015

Gult garn -- Yellow yarn

     Plantefarvning er på menuen i det lille hjem for øjeblikket. Og alle maj måneds planter farver øjensynligt gult. Men det er dog forbløffende hvor mange gule farver, der findes.
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Plant dyeing is much of what's going on right now. It seems that the plants of May all dye yellow.
l-r: Wild cherwil 1st bath on grey & white wool.  Marjoram 2nd & 1st bath. Tansy 2nd  & 1st bath. Scentless mayweed 2nd & 1st bath.

     Lugtløs kamille, der er ophav til den lysende gyldengule farve, er en værre primadonna. Den kan hverken tørres eller fryses uden at blive en skygge af sig selv. Så nu vil jeg forsøge at koge en suppe, dele den i fem, fryse de fire dele ned og farve med den ene nu. Så vinder jeg også fem ens bundter garn og markerer med datoer. Jeg tror at 14 dage, en måned, 3 måneder og et halvt år vil være fint.Så den 25. november vil resultatet foreligge.
Scentless mayweed, theat yields the wonderful sunshine yellow is a stupid plant. It cannot be dried or frozen, and still dye anything.  MotherOwl likes experimenting. One dyebath was split into five equal parts. One was used yesterday, the other four froxen dow. The yarn was wound in five skeins of same weigth. One put into the remaining dyepot, the other four hung on a hook with labess on them: To be used on June 8th, June 25th, August 25th, and November 25. (Two weeks, one month, 3 months and 6 months from now). In November the skeins can be compared, and the experiment called a success or a failure.

Det var vild kørvel og ikke skarnyhder.
This was Wild chervil and not hemlock. 

Lugtløs kamille ude i marken.
Scentless mayweed groving in the field

En stor tingfinderpung, som Uglemor har strikket af svampe- og plantefarvet garn. Uglemor har glemt hulrækken, men den bliver altså ikke lavet om lige nu.
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Big treasure pouch made from plant and mushroom dyed yarn. I forgot the holes, but I don't want to frog it.

Hvad jeg læser: Der kommer snart nogle honningbolcher og måske nogle andre. Ugleungerne er blevet store nok til at varm bolchemasse i køkkenet går an.
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Reading: Hov to make your own candy. Honey drops and some other ones coming up. The Owlets are big enough now that HOT candy in the kitchen is OK.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Fun project. Love the bright yellows!

  2. Lovely yellows! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Kørvel? Det har vi ikke prøvet.

    Faldt lige over denne søde fyr i dag....

  4. Wow, that is amazing! Such lovely and vibrant spring and summer colours and they all go so well together!

  5. Love the bag, I'm sure you could use a crochet hook to add a ribbon.

  6. Uglemor,

    What vibrant colours! And I can see you are a real scientist. I love hearing about your experiments. Looking forward to seeing the results!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.