Det problem løste sig selv. I morges, da vi stod op, regnede det. Da vi skulle afsted til bussen, var regnen stoppet, men det var stadig overskyet og gråt. Billedet er som sædvanligt taget ca. kvart i otte.
MotherOwl is sure she's the offer of a Tuesday morning hex. As I write this the Sun is shining brightly and the birds are singing. Yesterday on my way home from the bus stop, I wondered how today's picture was going to turn out, as I was almost blinded by the Sun.
No reason to worry, As I woke up this morning, it was raining. Before we left for the bus the rain had stopped, but it was still cloudy. As always the photo is taken approximately a quarter to eight.
Sur, sur, sur lille bi, omkring!
Frygt ej for de vilde drenge,
flyv kun ud i mark og enge!
Sur, sur, sur i lystig ring!
Sur, sur, sur, lille bi, omkring!
Sid i blomsten som en dronning,
sug den søde, søde honning!
Sur, sur, sur i lystig ring!
Sur, sur, sur lille bi, omkring!
Flyv så med dit rige bytte
hjem til cellen i din hytte!
Sur, sur, sur i lystig ring.
- - - -
The verse for today is an inane song about honey bees. This time it's not a translation, but I fount this online somewhere. It's just as good :D The reason for a bee song: MotherOwl was at an apiarists' conference this weekend.
BUZZ! goes the bee,
Hour after
BUZZ! goes
the bee
From flower
to flower.
Sucking out
the nectar
Flying it
Storing up
the nectar
In the
BUZZ! goes
the bee,
honey so sweet.
Bee makes the honey
That I
love to eat! Solopgang/solnedgang: 6:42/18:00, dagens længde 11:18, tiltaget 4:28
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