onsdag den 9. oktober 2024

Words for Wednesday ~ the Words and a Game

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people.
The prompts for September are provided by Sean Jeating and can be found @ Elephant's Child.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

- - A - - B - - C - - 

This week's prompts are:
- - A - - B - - C - - 

These last few days I've been noticing far more machos than is my wont. I have been looking at cars. Explanation will follow.

Long time ago, back in 2006, Myyratohtori @ Suomalainen Päivakirja (These Finnish word means Mousedoctor @ Finnish Diary) began a game. The Finnish licence plates all have 2 letters and then 1-3 numbers. The game is to look at the plates, and first find one with the number 1, then 2, then 3 and so on to 999.  She is now at 513, so this is a game for the patient.
The Danish License plates are a bit different: two letters - two numbers - three numbers. So If  I wanted to play, I'd have to look for a 001 to begin. Like this one:

AB 24 001

For a long time I did not want to play, but then 3 months ago I began looking ... and did I ever see a 001? No! I saw lots of  002's and 003's even a 000 - that one really has to be the starting point.

Then the last Sunday in September I told The Writer and the Owlets about this game as we walked to church, and agonized a bit. On the way back to the train station, while we were waiting for the green lights a 001 went past us. Yay.

I had seen a 002 parked at our local supermarket almost every day till then, so when I went shopping the following Monday I looked closely at all the cars in the parking lot, but of course it was there no longer. Only heaps of 003's. And Tuesday I saw no less than four 001's. Then as I sat dreaming in the bus, bags of shopping at my feet, we passed a parked 002. To be sure, I looked at the behind of the car as well, and yes, there it was.

Now I'm on the lookout for a 003, which has eluded me for almost 2 weeks. It sure is a game of patience. I can furthermore tell that the chance of seeing two cars following one another with the same last three numbers is way greater than I thought, as this has happened at least four times already.

I used the words: Machos, Dream, Bag, Walk, Behind, and four.

8 kommentarer:

  1. So many beautiful words are coming to my mind.
    I hope I can write them down this weekend!
    Your text is amazing!

    1. I hope so too, the world needs beautiful words and photos - like yours.
      Thank you.

  2. I can well see that being an addictive game.

  3. This would be a game of patience! I can see how it could take years and years to make progress.

    1. Starting with my three months for 2 numbers, I won't ever finish this game. I hope it speeds up a bit - Myyratohtori's 6 years for halfways gives me hope that it will.

  4. For many years Australian umber plates had three letters followed by three numbers and we kids would make up names for the cars depending on the letters. One such car was RHG followed by numbers and we decided the driver might be a Red Hot Granny and when the lights turned green and she sped off like on a race track we decided we had been right.

    1. What a fun thing to do, and great that you hit upon the right name :)

      Fun too that you call them "number plates". This was the first word to enter my brain yesteday, but as it is a word-by-word translation of the Danish (nummerplader) I suspected it of not being a word - I was wrong it seems. Thanks.


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