mandag den 2. september 2024

Colour24 September ~ Orient Red

Thank you, River, for asking. The colour for September is:
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River spurgte om jeg ikke havde nogen farve for september, jamen det har jeg da:

Og jeg brugte den i mine billeder i går. Jeg gentager.
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And I even used it in one of my Sunday Selections photos. Repeated here.

Ude i domen var der knækket en snor, og det havde hevet et par grene af en tomatplante, så nu plukker vi tomater inde i køkkenet
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A string broke in my greenhouse and severed a branch laden with tomatoes in different stages of ripeness. Now we can pick tomatoes in our kitchen.

Lots of Orient Red tomatoes.
Orientalsk rød passer på tomater.

7 kommentarer:

  1. And fresh tomatoes (home grown) leave the supermarket version for dead.

    1. They sure do.
      But the spam monster now eats and regurgitates posts with no rhyme or reason, and it gulps down my email notifications as well. Grrr!

    2. For the second time today I freed this comment from spam prison - even after answering to it!

  2. Thank you, it's a beautiful colour. Like the red silk pyjamas I had once.

    1. What a luxuriuos-sounding pyjamas - mine are boring old checkered cotton ;)

  3. I've worked it into my story and hope to find something this color for the coming Sunday.

    1. I will be over and read as soon as I have written my own story -- I'm not repeating the same mistake again soon ;)
      It should be an easier to find colour than mouse grey.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.